Sao Tome and Principe

Want to know what time is it now in Sao Tome Sao Tome and Principe or just want to the current time difference between Sao Tome and Principe and Thailand?

Current Local Time Now in
Sao Tome and Principe
Sunrise & Sunset Time in
Sao Tome and Principe

Current Time in Sao Tome Sao Tome and Principe | Time Difference Between Bangkok and Sao Tome

Local Current Time in Sao Tome and Principe and Time Difference Between Thailand and Sao Tome and Principe

Current Local Time Now in Sao Tome and Principe is

14:04:36 on 02-Jun-2024
Current Local Time Now in Bangkok is

21:04:36 on 02-Jun-2024
The Time Difference Between Thailand and Sao Tome and Principe is

17 hrs 00 mins
The Time Difference Between G.M.T and Sao Tome is

00 hrs and 00 mins - GMT

  • sunrise: 05:27:40
  • sunset: 17:35:36
  • transit: 11:31:38
  • civil_twilight_begin: 05:05:23
  • civil_twilight_end: 17:57:53
  • nautical_twilight_begin: 04:39:23
  • nautical_twilight_end: 18:23:53
  • astronomical_twilight_begin: 04:13:16
  • astronomical_twilight_end: 18:50:00

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